InterActive Agency - iAgency
Co founder, Chief Executive Officer
Santa Monica, CA
M&A - Company Acquired
I co-founded and served as CEO of iAgency, a pioneering firm in Internet public relations, marketing, and advertising. Under my leadership, the agency experienced impressive revenue growth, exceeding $2 million. We owned two prominent Internet domains: iAgency.com and InterActiveAgency.com. As CEO, I oversaw all aspects of the company's development and managed public relations efforts for entertainment and high-tech clients. We successfully launched over 90 websites, companies, and products and actively participated in key trade events. In 2000, I sold the agency to my business partner and joined Live365.
Results Include:
​Chose name and acquired trademarks for the company’s iAgency™ brand.
Created iAgency Newswire, one the first PR firm email database-driven list subscribed to by more than 2,000 journalists and influencers.
Conceived and executed highly successful client strategies using public relations, advertising, and Web marketing. Company categories included Enterprise applications, ASP solutions, software applications, games, technology, broadband, telecommunication, and wireless companies.
Client list included: Warner Bros. Online, HBO, UnityMail, Symantec, Quarterdeck, AOL Digital Cities Los Angeles, Dodgers.com, Hollywood.com, Writers Guild of America, JamesBond.com, and The Palace.
Press release written for the sale of Business.com included in Esther Dyson's book "Release 2.0".
iAgency Client Press Releases
2000-04-24 Warner Bros. Wile E. Coyote & RoadRunner Get Their Own Stamp!
2000-04-05 iAgency iAgency Announces Recapitalization from Round One Investments
2000-04-04 Clicksure Clicksure Hires PR Firms for North America
2000-03-31 NeTVideoNetworks 5th Avenue Channel & iAgency Collaborate on Advertising
2000-03-08 FXNetworks FX Premiers Son of the Beach, from Howard Stern Productions
2000-03-07 FastBand GlobalCast-FastBand Broadcasts Mardi Gras Live!
2000-03-06 NetVideoNetworks 5th Avenue Channel Corp. Launches NetVideoNetworks
2000-01-18 NBC Entertainment NBC Entertainment Heralds 'The 10th Kingdom' Innovative Web Site
2000-01-06 NBC Entertainment NBC Stars of 'The 10th Kingdom' Chat from Ritz-Carleton Press Part
1999-12-06 One World Networks One World Networks to Become Ultimate Entertainment Destination
1999-11-15 Entertainment Blvd. Entertainment Boulevard to Offer Content Through Microsoft
1999-11-15 NOVICA NOVICA.com Offers Crafts from International Artisans
1999-11-11 NewMedia NewMedia INVISION 99 Awards Winners Announced
1999-11-05 NewMedia NewMedia INVISION 99 Festival Adds Rob Glaser to Line-Up
1999-11-05 MGM MGM's New James Bond Web Site
1999-11-04 DXSTORM DXSTORM.COM and Planet Payment form Alliance
1999-11-03 NewMedia Industry Leaders Converge at NewMedia INVISION 99
1999-11-02 Entertainment Blvd. Entertainment Boulevard and Road Runner Ink Deal
1999-10-27 Pixelon Pixelon.com Announces iBash `99
1999-10-26 NOVICA NOVICA.com Launches During Comdex `99
1999-10-26 Pixelon Pixelon Launches First Full-Screen, TV-Quality Web Network
1999-10-12 Entertainment Blvd. Entertainment Boulevard Launches New Encoding Service
1999-09-13 DXSTORM iAgency Signs Canadian E-Commerce Leader DXSTORM
1999-09-10 MGM MGM's Stigmata Web Site Intrigues Internet Audiences
1999-09-07 NewMedia AT&T Labs - Gold Sponsor of NewMedia INVISION 99
1999-08-31 Entertainment Blvd. Bolt.com Partners with Entertainment Blvd. to Rock the Web
1999-08-26 BargainClothing.Com BargainClothing.Com Launches Fashion Web Site
1999-08-19 Copernic Copernic Technologies Announces Mac Search Agent
1999-08-18 Entertainment Blvd. iBEAM Broadcasting (tm) Signs with Entertainment Blvd.
1999-08-16 College Broadcast College Broadcast & eCollege.com Marketing Agreement
1999-08-11 Entertainment Blvd. Go Network and Entertainment Boulevard Expand Deal
1999-08-10 NewMedia INVISION Awards Call For Entries Deadline Extended
1999-08-09 College Broadcast College Broadcast Captures No. 1 Spot
1999-07-27 Entertainment Blvd. SYNGE.com Partners with Entertainment Boulevard
1999-07-26 Entertainment Blvd. CheckOut.com and Entertainment Blvd. Partnership
1999-07-21 Entertainment Blvd. Bears-Packers Showdown to Entertainment Boulevard
1999-07-16 Herring on Hollywood Convergence: Deal with It
1999-07-12 Entertainment Blvd. Entertainment Boulevard Selects iAgency
1999-06-23 Copernic Copernic adds MP3 Search to Copernic 99 Plus
1999-06-23 Revnet Revnet Announces Delivery of UnityMail 3.0
1999-06-22 NewMedia Invision Awards Seek Hottest Digital Media Projects
1999-06-17 Digitrends IBM's MsGuire, NBC's Kitze to Keynote Camp Interactive
1999-06-16 AudioUniverse NewStar Acquires Audio Literature
1999-06-10 AudioUniverse NewStar Launches AudioUniverse.Com
1999-06-09 MessageMedia MessageMedia to Acquire Revnet Systems, Inc.
1999-06-03 Digitrends Interactive Marketing Campaign Competition
1999-05-24 Revnet Revnet Application Service Provider Program
1999-05-20 Copernic Internet Search Tool for Japanese Consumers
1999-04-16 Hollyweb Hollyweb Live! @NAB
1999-04-14 encoding.com collegebroadcast.com to Launch in September 1999
1999-04-14 Revnet Revnet Announces UnityMail 3.0
1999-04-08 Revnet Revnet to hold a press conference at Spring Internet World
1999-03-22 Hollyweb InterActive Agency Key Contributor to Hollyweb Live! @NAB
1999-03-20 CalTech/MIT iAgency Participates in CalTech/MIT Enterprise Forum
1999-03-01 Copernic Copernic 99 The Search Engine of Search Engines
1999-02-02 VersaDisc VersaDisc Obtains Alternate Ending to Ronin
1999-01-07 VersaDisc Diamond Multimedia Bundles VersaDisc DVD
1998-11-13 Polygram Email helps launch "Very Bad Things"
1998-10-29 E! Online SHOP.EONLINE.COM Appoints iAgency for Launch & Holidays
1998-10-29 Revnet MusicFest `98 - The Web's Biggest Online Music Event
1998-10-26 IDMB Internet Direct Marketing Bureau WebCasts 1st Meeting
1998-10-14 New Radio World Fujitsu and New Radio Star Announce Partnership
1998-10-07 InsurePoint Washington Wired for Online Business Insurance
1998-10-07 Revnet MailKing 2.0 Premiers at Internet World NY
1998-10-07 Revnet Revnet Express Introduced at Internet World NY
1998-09-23 Combill Combill Launches at ICE
1998-09-23 CMA Country Music Awards at LIVEONTHENET.COM
1998-09-11 TalkSpot Listeners react to Starr Report on TalkSpot.Com
1998-09-01 TeenMag.com FeatureCast and Petersen's Teen Magazine Launch Website
1998-08-26 American Film Inst AFI's 100 Greatest Movies of All Time Find
1998-08-19 TalkSpot James Golden Joins TalkSpot.com
1998-07-27 Razorfish Razorfish Expands into The Digital Coast
1998-07-23 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online Breaks The Bandwidth And Business
1998-07-20 Worlds Away Fujitsu Launches New Virtual World With Corporate
1998-07-15 FeatureCast Teen Magazine Joins FeatureCast Family
1998-07-13 Worlds Away Fujitsu Announces Flat-Rate Pricing For Virtual
1998-07-08 National Enquirer National Enquirer to pay $100,000 Reward to Tipster
1998-06-26 EXTRA Online World's First Celebrity Cyber-Séance, Hosted by Extra Online
1998-06-26 FeatureCast Web Biz Nets Buzz Prez: FeatureCast Names
1998-06-25 Digital Boardwalk Digital Boardwalk and InterActive Agency
1998-06-25 National Enquirer National Enquirer Breaks News Story
1998-06-17 Warner Bros. On the Web, Seinfeld Is A Bigger Monster
1998-06-16 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online Finishes May
1998-06-04 New Media NewMedia Invision 98 Announces Call
1998-05-17 Warner Bros. Special Web Site Party to Be Held
1998-05-15 Ocean Friends Ocean Friends Set to Sail
1998-05-15 Warner Bros. Seinfeld.com Official Web Site
1998-05-06 Warner Bros. Thanks for Nothing, Jerry
1998-05-01 Warner Bros. Talk Show Host Jenny
1998-04-27 Brilliant Digital Brilliant Digital Entertainment Will Demonstrate Ten
1998-04-15 Ezenet Award-Winning INSTAbase Launches 4.0
1998-04-09 FeatureCast Two Leading Internet Companies Have Merged
1998-04-06 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online's Entertaindom
1998-02-12 E-Ticket E-Ticket Appoints Shannon Donnelly
1998-02-02 E-Ticket E-Ticket Launches "America's Most Wanted"
1998-01-28 Symantec An Online Computer Virus Chat
1998-01-27 National Enquirer National Enquirer Online Gets New Face
1998-01-14 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online Ranks Second
1998-01-12 EXTRA Online Young Stars Rule the Internet
1998-01-06 Digital Be-In 10th Anniversary Digital Be-In Set to Launch
1997-12-01 Non-Profit Auction Online Auction Offers Exclusive Items
1997-12-01 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online to Distribute
1997-11-14 Symantec Symantec Hosts Anti-Virus and Utilities
1997-11-06 National Enquirer National Enquirer Online Demographics Reveal
1997-11-03 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online to Launch Interactive
1997-10-28 NetConex NetConex Announces Charity Auction
1997-10-23 The Visitor Join the Cast & Crew of...
1997-10-21 Warner Bros. The Rosie O'Donnell Show Introduces...
1997-09-29 Warner Bros. Live "ER" Season Premiere A Hit on TV And...
1997-09-19 Warner Bros. NBC And Warner Bros. Online Co-Produce...
1997-09-17 Eudora Online InterActive Agency And <TAG> Media Create...
1997-09-05 Ocean Friends Couple Sets Sail to Meet Children
1997-09-02 EXTRA Online Join EXTRA on AOL For A Tribute
1997-08-25 Symantec Symantec's VIRUS MASTER Alex Haddox
1997-08-20 National Enquirer E-Ticket Launches the Hottest Gossip
1997-07-29 National Enquirer What's E-Ticket Up To? Enquiring Minds
1997-07-15 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online Locks in Premier
1997-07-10 Warner Bros. TV's Extra Is an Extra Big Hit Online, Too
1997-06-23 Star Telecom Star Telecom Introduces the Only...
1997-05-21 The Palace The Palace Virtual Chat Software Wins...
1997-05-13 The Palace The Palace Arms Developers
1997-04-29 The Palace The Palace Unveils First Off-The-Shelf Game
1997-04-28 Fuseworks Web Developers Race for Their Stake
1997-04-28 Miller Freeman Spotlight Awards Winners Announced
1997-04-26 Miller Freeman Miller Freeman Demonstrates Commitment
1997-04-25 Miller Freeman Spotlight Awards Webcast Connects
1997-04-18 WGAw Interactive Writers Return to Computer Game
1997-04-17 Miller Freeman Computer Game Developers' Conference
1997-03-17 IDA IDA and Webmasters' Guild Announce
1997-03-11 Internet World Internet Developers' Association Presents
1997-02-26 Miller Freeman East Wins Web Review's First
1997-02-24 WGAw Writers Guild of America Web Site On List
1997-02-21 Miller Freeman Trade Show Producer Launches Web
1997-02-19 HBO Live Laughs from Aspen Comedy Festival
1997-02-07 WGAw Writer's Guild Award Nominees Announced
1997-02-06 WGAw Writer's Guild Award Nominees Announced
1997-01-27 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online Teams Up
1997-01-22 Engage Games ENGAGE Broadens Reach with Compuserve
1997-01-21 Engage Games 11th Annual Computer Game Conference
1997-01-21 Miller Freeman Industry Leaders Share Vision
1997-01-21 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online Announced Special
1997-01-02 DCLA AOL Launches Los Angeles Marathon
1996-12-11 The Palace Commercial Server Opens Opportunities
1996-12-04 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Celebrates Holidays
1996-11-15 Miller Freeman Miller Freeman Spins Web Design
1996-11-13 CyberSurfari Six Winning CyberSurfari '96 Teams
1996-11-01 Engage Games Earthlink and Engage Ink Distribution Deal
1996-10-23 CouponNet CouponNet Wins Commercenet '96 VIP Award
1996-10-22 Engage Games ENGAGE Racks Up Another Exclusive
1996-10-18 CyberSurfari Web Surfers Explore the New Frontier
1996-10-10 DisInformation DisInformation Endorses R.U. Sirius
1996-10-09 VIC VIC Ready to Smash Into The Future
1996-09-24 Miller Freeman Web Review Online Resumes Publication
1996-09-13 DisInformation Friday the 13th Is Going to Be...
1996-09-10 I.T. World Wide Web Brings 32nd World Chess
1996-08-21 Engage Games ENGAGE and Digital Alchemy To...
1996-08-13 Hollywood Online Hollywood Online Links with Microsoft
1996-08-12 Engage Games ENGAGE Signs Third Exclusive
1996-08-01 Engage Games ENGAGE Signs Exclusive Content Deal
1996-07-10 Engage Games ENGAGE Games Online Announces First Investor
1996-07-09 The Palace First Ever Virtual Press Conference In the Palace
1996-07-02 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Online and AOL Launch "Insomniacs Asylum"
1996-07-01 The Palace The Palace to Expand on Virtual World Chat
iAgency Former Clients
AOL's Digital City Los Angeles
College Broadcast
Countrywide Funding Corporation
E-Ticket Inc.
Entertainment Boulevard, Inc.
Fifth Avenue Channel
Hotz Corporation
Miller-Freeman, Inc.- Game Developers Conference
Miller-Freeman, Inc.- Web Design & Development Conference
MixMe Networks
New Media - INVISION 99 Festival
New Media Magazine
Ocean Friends
Only Multimedia
Paramount Pictures Corp & the Truman Show Movie
Real EDI
Selena "The Memorial Day Tribute"
Software & Information Industry Assoc. (formerly SPA-Software Publishers Assoc.)
Star Telecom
The Visitor
"The World Is Not Enough" - James Bond
Worldstreams TalkSpot