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Microsoft - Trustworthy Computing

Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing was launched by Bill Gates on January 15, 2002. Four areas were identified as the key: Security, Privacy, Reliability, and Business Integrity. The Trustworthy Computing campaign was the main reason why Easter eggs disappeared from Windows, Office and other Microsoft products. (Source Wikipedia)

  • Managed communication and presentation strategies for RSA, Black Hat and CanSecWest conferences

  • PR supervisor and editor for Microsoft's SIR Reports (V5, V6, V7)

  • PR Supervisor for efforts on Software Development Lifecycle (SDL)

  • Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) team video producer

  • Microsoft launch of a new product line was determined have multiple security holes. Worked with developers to ensure all partners updated the SDK within 30 days or be disconnected from network.  Product repairs were made in real time by all partners and the product was now secure 30 days later without any repercussions. This could have been a major public relations nightmare for Microsoft.

Microsoft - Trustworthy Computing

Senior Manager, Public Relations

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